Top 50 data Science Interview Questions

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Machine learning algorithm suits well for small data and it might take huge amount of time to train for large data. Whereas Deep learning algorithm takes less amount of data to train due to the help of GPU(Parallel Processing).
Apply step function, which calculates the AIC for different permutation and combination of features and provides the best features for the dataset.
Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge of the data to create features for machine learning algorithm to work -Adding more columns (or) removing columns from the existing column -Outlier Detection -Normalization etc
The arithmetic mean of the two quartiles is called mid hinge
An upper cap contains the values which fall between 75th percentile and 75th Percentile+1.5*IQR. Similarly, lower cap contains the values which fall between 25th Percentile and 25th Percentile-1.5*IQR